Fantasia is a groundbreaking animated film produced by Walt Disney and released by Walt Disney Productions in 1940. Come join us for this special animated classic with full theatre sound on the big screen!
A delightful farmers market in the heart of the Catskills. Visit PFM outdoors for locally grown produce and artisanal, handmade foods. Enjoy free kids' activities and live music on Parish Field, adjacent to the Tanbark Loop Trail and steps from Phoenicia's charming Main Street.
Fantasia is a groundbreaking animated film produced by Walt Disney and released by Walt Disney Productions in 1940. Come join us for this special animated classic with full theatre sound on the big screen!
A delightful farmers market in the heart of the Catskills. Visit PFM outdoors for locally grown produce and artisanal, handmade foods. Enjoy free kids' activities and live music on Parish Field, adjacent to the Tanbark Loop Trail and steps from Phoenicia's charming Main Street.
Much of what we know and appreciate about popular music today comes from the music and performances of Richard Wayne Penniman, known to the world as Little Richard. He’s been described as the “Architect of Rock and Roll,” and for good reason; his early work influenced several of his contemporaries, including Elvis, The Beatles, and […]
Shop around and help support local farmers with Woodstock's Farm Festival Winter Market! This event will take place every other weekend from December 14th through March 22nd!
A delightful farmers market in the heart of the Catskills. Visit PFM outdoors for locally grown produce and artisanal, handmade foods. Enjoy free kids' activities and live music on Parish Field, adjacent to the Tanbark Loop Trail and steps from Phoenicia's charming Main Street.
Father John Misty and Destroyer are set to perform at the Ulster Performing Arts Center in Kingston, promising an evening of captivating music. Father John Misty, known for his distinct blend of indie rock and folk, has garnered critical acclaim with hits like "Real Love Baby" and "Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings." His lyrical storytelling and […]
A delightful farmers market in the heart of the Catskills. Visit PFM outdoors for locally grown produce and artisanal, handmade foods. Enjoy free kids' activities and live music on Parish Field, adjacent to the Tanbark Loop Trail and steps from Phoenicia's charming Main Street.
Shop around and help support local farmers with Woodstock's Farm Festival Winter Market! This event will take place every other weekend from December 14th through March 22nd!
A delightful farmers market in the heart of the Catskills. Visit PFM outdoors for locally grown produce and artisanal, handmade foods. Enjoy free kids' activities and live music on Parish Field, adjacent to the Tanbark Loop Trail and steps from Phoenicia's charming Main Street.
A delightful farmers market in the heart of the Catskills. Visit PFM outdoors for locally grown produce and artisanal, handmade foods. Enjoy free kids' activities and live music on Parish Field, adjacent to the Tanbark Loop Trail and steps from Phoenicia's charming Main Street.